Q: What counts as a good "referral"?
A: Good Question. A good referral is where we were able to get in touch with your referral, we met them, measured the premises, gathered information and successfully prepared and delivered a proposal.
Q: Does my referral need to close in order for me to get my $100.00 Savings Card?
A: No! However, we do need to be able to verify the information you provided was accurate and we were allowed to measure the facility.
Q: Is there really no limit to how many referrals I can submit?
A: Correct. There is no limit.
Q: After I submit my referral how long will I need to wait to get my $100.00 Hotel Savings Card?
A: It depends, but usually within 2-5 days. We can mail you a physical card that will take longer, or email you a digital card.
Q: Can I give my Hotel Savings Card to a friend or family member?
A: Yes. Absolutely. If you have too many or don't plan to travel soon, you can gift them to whomever you want.
Q: How do I know JanRefer is legit and I will receive what I was promised?
A: Our referrals are our lifeline. Without referrals we could not function.
We look forward to a long relationship with you.
Send us as many referrals as you can handle. There is no limit with the $100.00 Hotel Savings Cards.
What are you waiting for?
All Sizes
Small, Large, National Franchises
Schools, Churches, Temples
All Gyms, National Franchises
Urgent Care, Hospitals, Dentists
Local, Major Franchises
Office Complexes, Managed Buildings
Large, Small
"Our Office uses JanRefer and our closure rate is much higher because these are warm leads."
"Thank you for the Hotel Card. It was fairly easy for me to talk to people and give you leads."
"JanRefer is very cost effective for us to close appointments. We were paying much more before."
"Our office was paying more money for cold leads before!"
"Thank you for a service that delivers and is cost effective."
"Thanks for the opportunity to get some rewards! The gift cards are great."